We are experiencing this week some of the most holy days in our Christian year. For me, Holy Week is a thin place - a place and time when God's presence is palpable. God's Spirit is so active in my heart and in my life that I cannot help but come alive in Christ's presence. He is here. The very cells of my body are buzzing with the electricity of the Spirit. Holy Week may be one of the only times that I can honestly say that there is not a bit of doubt in me. I feel God. I see God.
This year, my Holy Week has had a soundtrack. Just one song, really. I was introduced to this song on our winter retreat by our worship band, and I have not been able to keep my mind off of these lyrics since. They so beautifully express the work and love of Christ - in the lyrics and in the grit and honesty of the vocals.
For most of my relationship with this song, the chorus has haunted my thoughts. But, this week the bridge has been on repeat in my mind and in my lungs as I have sung these words proclaiming the beautiful truth of the gospel:
He has cheated Hell and seated us above the fall
In desperate places He paid our wages one time once and for all
Take a listen. Maybe you, too, will be moved to a place of worship for what our Lord has done for us, for Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again.
Happy and blessed Holy Week.