Here at church, our rhythms have kicked in as well. We've been at it for a few weeks of our Wednesday night D-Teams and Northbound, and we've just begun meeting for choir and middle school missions. Our new Sunday School classes are moving right along, and I am excited about what our students are learning about the Bible and themselves.
With all of the activity going on our students will need some time to take a breath, recharge their batteries, and get connected with God as they retreat from the everyday busyness. This fall we will have a retreat for our middle schoolers October 4-6 to Camp Chestnut Ridge where they will hear the call of Jesus when he says to them, "Come, follow me." And, our high school students will make their way to Caswell November 8-10 for the "I Am Second" conference where they will be invited to re-imagine the way they can live their lives - for themselves or for God and others.
Parents, you need a breather, too! Take some time this fall to find a moment to reconnect with God and discover the joy of walking through this busy life with Him leading the way.
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