Friday, February 21, 2014

Tough Issues High School Curriculum: Depression

This past Wednesday, we tackled the second difficult topic of our Tough Issues series with our high school students. Dr. Amanda Price, a licensed psychologist, came and shared what depression is, what it isn’t and how we can help one another. Amanda emphasized that it was natural and appropriate to feel depressed at times when life presents difficult moments. However, when these feelings linger for weeks and months, it begins to transition into suffering from depression, which is more serious. She reminded the group to always reach out for help when they feel overwhelmed. It was informative, engaging and important information for our students and adult leaders.

As the Student Minister at Trinity, I’ve witnessed and walked alongside many of our students suffering from depression. This is not an uncommon experience with middle school and high school students. Though the greater Church is getting better at understanding depression and anxiety, there are still many misconceptions. Many still feel that if they pray a little harder or read their Bible a little more, God will take away the feelings. There are many examples (Job, David, etc.) in the Bible that struggled with depression. They prayed harder but God did not take away the despair. God walked alongside them providing love, grace and mercy. Today, God continues to walk with those that are suffering with depression and anxiety, reminding us to trust in his promises of presence and mercy.

I found a great article this morning that speaks to how we should approach depression and anxiety as Christians. Please take a few moments to read it.

For those suffering with depression, may God surround them with peace, grace, mercy, and love. For those who know friends and loved ones who struggle with depression and anxiety, may we have compassion, patience, and love to walk alongside them through their journey. God have mercy.

- Andy

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